Generate new revenues with our fully managed, fixed line messaging services - ranging from simple voicemail to smart call handling.
Deliver flexible, reliable and cost-effective voicemail services to your customers with our industry-leading Voice Messaging services. They include:
Wholesale 1571
An unbranded messaging service that stores up to 20 messages for up to 20 days.
Call Minder
Available in four versions, offering all the features of Wholesale 1751 plus personalised messages, multiple mailboxes, mobile alerts and more.
Call Mapping
Offer a voice messaging service for your customers with BT PSTN lines.

New revenues and cost-effective
You can charge for any of the services and also generate call revenues from callers leaving messages. All our Voice Messaging services are competitive-priced to offer your customers excellent value for money.

Low risk and flexible
Offer a range of solutions that will meet the needs of both home and business customers. You can choose to offer the basic 1571 service free as an added-value incentive to customers. Our services are fully managed and easy to set up, so you don't need to invest in infrastructure or equipment.

Easy to use and reliable
Your customers only need a touch-tone handset to access our Voice Messaging services and, for Call Minder, to configure the advanced features. Your customers will receive messages even if the line is unavailable or a local voicemail system is out of action.

Network-based messaging helps to reduce power usage and your customers' carbon footprint.
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