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Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC)

WBC is a layer 2 broadband solution, which lets you extend the reach of your service through our 21C network, reaching out from up to 20 key regional locations (nodes). You would need a presence in any of the node locations you want to use, and you would be in control of interconnecting the nodes and managing your internet breakout and peering.

Extend your network reach

WBC lets you use our network to branch out from any of the 20 key node locations, so you can offer connectivity through around 5,500 local exchanges, across the length and breadth of the UK.


Typically, this solution is used when you have your own national network infrastructure, which you would use to connect between those nodes.

Your responsibilities

You’ll need to take care of the following to create a complete broadband product:

A presence in each key node you want to branch out from.

Sufficient internet peering and DNS capacity to support your end users accessing the internet (if required).

Ordering and management of WBC aggregation point (AP) and extension path (EP) capacity at the key node.

Customer premises equipment (CPE), because it’s a wires-only service.

Connectivity between the key node and your core network and/or internet peering infrastructure (including any resilience considerations).

End user customer support to help them resolve any connection issues.

A means of authenticating your end users and assigning one or more IP addresses to their connection.

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