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The move towards FTTP gathers momentum

Read the highlights from our whitepaper with Megabuyte

For most individuals, 2020 will be remembered for one reason. However, for us at BT Wholesale and everyone else working in the channel and connectivity, this year also represents a watershed moment in the development of the UK’s fibre to the premises (FTTP) market.


We worked with Megabuyte on the whitepaper ‘The move towards FTTP gathers momentum’ and it reveals several exciting milestones. Namely that FTTP rollouts are now reaching critical mass, meaning our channel partners (CPs) should really start thinking about capitalising on the opportunity to boost the value of their businesses through reselling fibre connectivity products.


Coronavirus has reinforced the importance of strong and reliable connectivity, and our CPs must decide whether they supply FTTP, as well as other iterations of fibre connectivity, or continue to rely on legacy products. With the 2027 switch-off on the horizon, now is the time for CPs to make the transition. Here are some key takeaways from the whitepaper.

FTTP demand

This year, we’ve really noticed that the demand for FTTP is growing, with the largest driver being the ‘generational shift’ – the increasing adoption of digital technologies to improve overall efficiency. These applications typically reside in the cloud and are accessible from any device and APIs. The wheels were in motion pre-coronavirus, but the likely permanent increase in remote working and the need for more resilient operations will accelerate adoption.

Why rock the boat?

Despite its growing popularity, we appreciate that making the transition to selling more modern solutions is easier said than done. Currently demand for legacy solutions still exists, even with the looming switch-off, so some may be asking why they should transition to selling new products. Here are some key reasons why CPs should start developing a fibre strategy now:

  • FTTP supports a wider range of services
  • The cost of serving FTTP is decreasing
  • Customers are willing to pay for faster connectivity
  • Forward-thinking competitors will become the go-to providers, leaving others to catch-up
  • Wholesale provision of FTTP is becoming more prevalent
  • FTTP is reaching critical mass regarding premises passed and will begin to support itself

Driving CP value

CPs build value through consistent growth, which is achieved, in part, through expanding portfolios. As such, CPs that embrace FTTP will increase in value because those customers are likely to have higher lifetime value, through lower churn, lower cost-to-serve, and higher revenues as they look to take advantage of digital opportunities.


The challenge for our CPs is learning how to effectively sell FTTP, while continuing to service legacy customers, but we’re dedicated to supporting them as they juggle these changes. Those that find the balance will future-proof themselves and customers for the all-IP world ahead.

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Using FTTP to add value to your business

The growth in FTTP means more opportunities for channel partners. A new whitepaper in conjunction with Megabuyte explains the pressing need to develop an effective full fibre strategy.

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