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Construction Industry

Tackling common connectivity issues in the construction industry.

The challenge

Our client in the construction industry needed to make sure they didn’t have any reduction in productivity and communications, whether it was from a site office or on the edge of a Greenfield site. 

The solution

We helped them implement a secure 4G solution which would easily and rapidly connect site managers and contractors.

The results

Improved productivity, quicker and easier reporting and savings made. 

The challenge


The challenge


In the construction industry, communication on site can often be a problem. Temporary buildings are as the name suggests and only on site for a short time and getting communications and fixed line services to these locations is a long process.


 Site managers need instant access to the Internet and secure access to internal networks - when they have to wait for fixed lines there is an impact on productivity. Other visitors to the site and sub-contractors also need Internet access so the issue of no connectivity was impacting this construction firm’s customer service. 


The firm wanted to make sure any solution they took would be cost-effective, increase productivity and have a positive effect on its customer services. So they came to us.






Organisation size

Medium (50 – 999 employees)


Customer business size

Small(6 - 50 employees)


Products and Services

Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity

Training and tools

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“Our customers are relying on us to advise them on the best technologies and they trust BT Wholesale to advise us to get it right”

The solution


The solution


Instant access on site 

We proposed 40 Rapid Deployable Network Units - one for each of the temporary sites, along with mobile booster antennas to maximise coverage and 4G SIMs. This enabled them to get online with secure mobile 4G access into its MPLS core network. 


As we already provided their WAN services, we configured five 4G Virtual Access GW2022 routers each week, meaning we could get them up and running quickly. 


With plug and play routers, instant secure online access was delivered at the fast speed the customer required. By providing a secure backhaul connection to the customer’s MPLS network and automatically encrypting any data sent over a private APN, we made sure there was no security risk to their data.

Products and services used


Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity

Provide customers with a connectivity in an unconnected environment with Rapid Deployable Networks.


More about Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity


Training and tools

Our sales tools and training services will enable you and your staff to sell more, increase revenue and grow your business.


More about Training and tools


The results

The results


 “Timing was crucial - they didn’t want to wait weeks for fixed lines on each of the sites, so providing a fast, secure mobile solution was the best way to rapidly give them the access they needed,” said Stefano Pessina, BT Wholesale M2M Sales Professional. With no additional engineers or personnel required on site to implement the solution, the customer saved time and budget. And routers could be transferred to new locations when and as needed, helping to save further costs. 


Our customer has increased productivity because site managers can now quickly and easily access reports, documents or contractor bids from the temporary site location. This is a stark contrast to when they had to wait until they were back at the office. 


The process of contractors signing on and off is also more efficient due to the fact site managers have access to systems on the network. The customer will continue to use our Rapid Deployable Networks in the future to make sure it has all the access it requires, no matter the remoteness of its offices.


“Timing was crucial - they didn’t want to wait weeks for fixed lines on each of the sites, so providing a fast, secure mobile solution was the best way to rapidly give them the access they needed.”

Stefano Pessina, BT Wholesale M2M Sales Professional

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